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Level 3

NCFE CACHE Level 3 Technical Occupational Entry for the Early Years Workforce (Early Years Educator) (Diploma)


The aim of this qualification is to prepare learners to become early years educators, enabling them to work with children from birth to 5 years and gain knowledge of children aged 5 to 7 years. Upon achievement of this qualification, it is intended that learners will be able to enter the workforce as early years educators. This qualification aims to:

• focus on the study of early years education

• offer breadth and depth of study, incorporating a key core of knowledge

• provide opportunities to acquire a number of practical and technical skills

• confirm occupational competence and/or ‘licence to practice’;

• confirm competence in an occupational role to the standard required

Learners need to complete a minimum of 350 hours within an early years setting.

Provisionally the teaching day is Tuesday evening 6pm-9pm. This may be subject to change.


Learners must be at least 19 years old who are either employed or have a volunteer position within an Early Years Setting. You must be working a minimum of 7 hours a week. Applicants must hold a GCSE English grade 4 or above (C equivalent) or level 2 functional skill. Learners may find it helpful if they have already achieved a NCFE CACHE Level 2 Diploma for the Early Years Practitioner.


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