Our range of leisure and hobby courses keeps growing, with even more fun and exciting courses starting throughout 2024.
On this course you will cover what counselling is and the elements that are essential in the development of a therapeutic relationship. This will draw mainly from Carl Rogers’ person-centred approach with the core conditions of empathy, congruence and unconditional positive regard, and his view of self, drawing from existential philosophy.
The stage 1 course will also include the Johari window, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, an introduction to existential counselling and therapy, and the role of unconscious processes. Besides this there will be consideration of professional ethics related to counselling.
The course will involve tutor input, YouTube videos, small group and whole group discussions and experiential skills practice.
Skills covered will include:
- Active listening
- Paraphrasing
- Reflecting
- Summarising
- Non-verbal communication
You will need to attend one of our Induction/Interview sessions prior to being accepted on this course. Dates will be posted here by the end of May 2024.
If you think you are in need of counselling yourself, this is probably not the time to be considering a counselling course. If you are experiencing emotional difficulties please contact your doctor for advice, or visit NHS Talking Therapies Services :: Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
This course runs on Tuesday evenings (18:00-21:00) from 24/09/2024 t0 10/12/2024
Those interested in gaining counselling skills to use in paid or voluntary work or for personal development and self-awareness.
Learners must have a good level of spoken and written English. They need sufficient mental and emotional strength and maturity and resilience to be able to participate in each session of the course, which is very experiential as a lot of learning takes place through discussion and practice through role plays.
Initial acceptance and continuation on the course are dependent on the above criteria being met. You must also attend a compulsory induction prior to the start of this course, details about this will be confirmed before the start of the course.
You must attend 90% of the course to gain a College Attendance Certificate.
You have the opportunity onto Certificate in Counselling Stage 2 at the college if you have completed Stage 1 and completed the work set by the tutor.
We also offer other Adult learning courses in languages and art & design.
Continuous classroom assessment – including in your skills practice.
You will also be required to keep a learning journal in which you reflect on what you learn in class and what it means for you, how you apply this in your life, and what you learn about yourself.
Twice a term you will be asked to submit a summary of your learning journal for your tutor to read.
The College requires a minimum of 90% attendance for certification. If any sessions are missed it is difficult for learners to catch up as each session is based on the previous week’s learning; this is particularly relevant in counselling training.
Upon completion you will receive a college certificate detailing the total hours attended on Stage 1.
Course fees £325
Background reading or viewing if appropriate (up to 8 items which are easy to access). See below a few useful books:
- William Stewart and Jan Sutton: Learning to Counsel
- Dave Mearns and Brian Thorne: Person-Centred Counselling in Action
- Emmy van Deurzen: Existential Counselling in Practice
Please note the course fees are for tuition only and do not include books listed above.
To enquire about induction/interview sessions please contact the Adult Education Team via email at adulteducation@chichester.ac.uk
To book a place select ‘Apply Online’ in the Course Overview section on the website.
We have limited onsite parking; however we are very close to public transport links. Please see the link below for details: