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Access to Higher Education

Prepare, Focus, Progress.

Fast track to Higher Education

Our Access to Higher Education courses are ideal for those who have taken a break from their education or are thinking of a new pathway in their studies.

The range of courses below are delivered over a period of one academic year. They provide an intensive overview of the subject alongside skills preparation for progression onto university or other Higher Education. The qualification gained pursuing this route contributes towards UCAS points in the same way as studying three A-levels or equivalent.

Access courses are taught over two or three days a week so it’s a great option for those in employment alongside their education.

The Student Perspective

“The thing I like the most about doing the Access course is the challenge to myself to do well academically. I was most nervous about coming on the Access course because of the assignments. However, I proved myself wrong time and time again and with the support of the tutors and my fellow students I’m actually doing really well on the Access course and it’s a nice feeling to prove that I can do it.”


Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Don’t worry, at our sibling college – Chichester College – we have a range of other Access to Higher Education courses which could be perfect for you.

Find out more by visiting their website: Access to Higher Education at Chichester College



Advanced Learner Loans are available to cover the cost of full or part time courses for those aged over 19.

Once you have completed a Higher Education course, your outstanding Advanced Learner Loan balance for an Access to Higher Education course can be written off. This means you don’t have to repay it.*

*The Higher Education course must be eligible for student finance.

Click here to view financial support options.

