Crawley College students humbled by homeless charity
Motor Vehicle students were left humbled when they collected clothing for Crawley Open House earlier this month.
Staff and students across Crawley College had been asked to bring in their various clothing donations for the charity.
Last week, lecturers Samuel Lucas and Mark Ahmet visited the shelter with the donations.
Ian Wilkins, fundraising and relationships manager for Crawley Open House, said: “It was great to meet Sam and Mark, and receive the amazing donations of warm clothing from their students.
“There will be people on the street wearing them right now and a bit warmer as a result.
“It is only because of such acts of generosity that we can carry out our work amongst those who find themselves homeless or almost-homeless in our community. Thank you so much to all those who were involved.”
Mark added: “We did really well and managed to surpass our expectations. Crawley Open house were very happy to receive our large donations and also gave us a tour of the facilities.
“It was great to see what services Crawley Open House provide for the homeless. It was extremely humbling and rewarding to see how our donations can make such a difference for the local community and this charity.
“It’s great to work with Crawley Open House as it helps the students to understand the importance of giving back to those less fortunate than we are.”