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The occupation involves carrying out skilled work, primarily using timber products, either on a construction site, or in a workshop, creating and installing building components. This is a core and options apprenticeship, with two pathways:
Pathway 1: A Site Carpenter will normally work on a building site, or in domestic and commercial premises, preparing and fixing building components, from the initial erection of a new building, through to the installation of all necessary fixtures and fittings, as well as a range of repair and maintenance activities.
Pathway 2: An Architectural Joiner will normally be employed in a workshop producing timber based building components and other architectural products, such as doors, windows, units and staircases, which are then transported to construction sites to be installed by site carpenters.
Entry Criteria
Apprentices must be in paid employment in the relevant industry to cover the requirements of the standard. Assessments in English and Maths may need to be taken to determine if the applicant would be suitable for the Apprenticeship and to look at additional support if required. The apprentice will need to complete an area induction before course commencement.
The Apprentice must have a contract of employment and to be covered under their employer’;s relevant insurance.
Course progression
Possibility to progress onto the Level 3 Carpentry/Joinery Apprenticeship.
20% off the job training is a requirement of all Apprenticeships. This will be completed via the delivery model and by work based training led by the employer. It is important to evidence 20% off the job training in the training log.
All Apprenticeship Standards are end point assessed by an external assessment centre. Before taking their end-point assessment apprentices must have achieved level 2 in GCSE English and Math’;s.
There is no cost to an apprentice.
If you are an employer employing an apprentice over the age 21 (without an EHCP) then you are likely to pay 5% towards the training cost.
If you are an employer with an Apprenticeship levy (i.e. your payroll exceeds £3 Million) then you will pay in full from your levy account.
For more information on this Apprenticeship or other Apprenticeships we offer, please contact our friendly Apprenticeship team on 01243 812948 or email apprenticeships@chigroup.ac.uk