Opened in summer 2016, the Advanced Technology Centre at Crawley College is one of the biggest developments to the college in recent years.
The Advanced Technology Centre has four key areas
Visitors’ Centre
The Visitors’ Centre is a hub for showcasing sustainable energy solutions through exhibitions, events and presentations. It is also available for use by the college’s employer links and partners to trial and exhibit new renewable and engineering technologies.
Learning IT Suite
The suite includes a comprehensive computer and tablet provision for students to model and explore technological prototypes and designs in areas including robotics and electrical technologies. Students also have access to the latest CAD (computer aided design) and CAM (computer aided manufacturing) software.
Zoned Workshop
The large, zoned workshop space creates individual hubs of development where students can engage in research and practical activities in environmental technologies, hybrid car technology, electronics and training on computer numerical control (CNC) routers. The format of the workshop promotes collaboration between different technological disciplines, encouraging innovation and enhancing student learning and progression opportunities.
Higher Education Centre
The engineering Higher Education Centre provides HNC and HND students with a dedicated space for class-based learning. Students can test their theoretical knowledge and bring their ideas to life in the Learning IT Suite and workshop.