Our range of leisure and hobby courses keeps growing, with even more fun and exciting courses starting throughout 2025.
This course has been designed for learners who have the desire to increase their independence and confidence, making a positive contribution to their communities and society as a whole. The Programme of study is tailored around individual learner targets based on their Educational, Health and Care Plans. This follows the RARPA process (Recognising and recording progress and achievement) to provide supported progression through to the next stage in their lives. Learner progress and targets are reviewed frequently throughout the programme with EHCP and other review meetings in place regularly for parents, carers and other professionals to attend.
Part of college life is to participate in new things and new experiences. The programme of study will include:
- How to increase independence at home and college.
- Thinking about goals in life and how to meet them.
- Skills to help make friends and understand relationships.
- Building confidence with going to the shops and using money and making choices about what to buy.
- Learning meal preparation skills which can be used at home and making healthy choices.
- Begin to learn work skills.
- Maths, English & ICT.
- Keeping safe at work and in the community.
- Developing skills needed for work.
- How to make a positive contribution to the community.
- Follow a travel training course to develop road safety and travel awareness.
Learners will take part in enterprise activities and be taught to make a range of products which may include, fabric products and food products, bedding plants and hanging baskets as well as many others. The learners will gain valuable experience through working in and with the community. They will be involved in every aspect of selling their products; taking their goods to the marketplace, face-to-face selling, and producing a catalogue of goods.
During the year, there will be opportunities for the learners to enter competitions and work on community projects as well as continuing to develop vital independence skills.
Young people older than 16 with and interest in becoming more independent and developing skills for work. Suitability for the programme will be assessed both before joining the programme and during the first six weeks of the course.
There is the opportunity to continue on Independence + for up to 3 years, and once the team feel that you are ready to move on, there are then opportunities to move onto Progression +, ( an Entry 3 Programme of study), employment or voluntary work.
This programme has been designed for learners to increase their independence and confidence -a group of high need individuals, to ready them for independent living. This includes cookery, cleaning, washing and ironing and general day to day living. Travel training and money skills and management are also included.
Our main aim is to build self-confidence, self-worth and social skills. This gives them the skills and ability to progress on to the next level of college in our Skills Plus course. The programme of study is tailored around individual learner targets and on their Educational, Health and Care Plans. Progress and targets are reviewed and updated throughout the year
The learners co create their learning, by discussing timetables and what interests them, therefore increasing their confidence to participate in new things and experiences. The students will take part in Community and enterprise projects, gaining valuable experience through working in and with the community.
It is very important that the learners have fun and enjoy coming into college!
For further information, please contact the Foundation Learning team on 01293 442200 and ask for Kirstie Berkeley.
Alternatively please email kberkeley@crawley.ac.uk